According to philosophical workmanship of Micheal Foucault, known in the half academics as to watch and to punish, comes of meeting to the labor dispute on grounds of discipline, of the religious institutions, military and educaionais, for which the individuals if had made gifts, as protagonists of this called device Been. In which densencadeia in a microphysics of the power. To be able this that commanded the body searching corrections in the imperfections of genetic order or moral order. The history of the institutions in which Foucault presents in them in its workmanships cited in this article one more time comes to show that the power on the individuals continues of passive form since when science discovered the sequencia of the human DNA was more easy to try to transform individuals that present a moral danger and physical for the society, in docile beings now with the manipulation in laboratories, that before was used of it executes of the body as sin object or of something maleficent it started to have outos mechanism, since an implantation of a micron chip until the chambers of security of the great cities, with the objective of preventing illicit robberies and other ways. The arrest became a declared insolvent institution, without objective none, serves as a great university of the crime, where an individual enters less worse and leaves the great sabetudo that is absorbs all the discovery processes in a obscure and persuasiva logic against the good men. in this way you scheme in such a way them of torture and of linguistico speech it extends its field adaptando itself it society. that is being each day perfected in such a way for the amoral individual how much for the morally correct citizen.