
This, in turn, intervenes with the dynamics of suction and extration of maternal milk, being able to make it difficult the esvaziamento of the breast and to lead to the reduction of the production of milk. Less hungry calm and. Some women think that its mamilos are very short to suckle. (CAMPESTRINI, 2006). It has plain or inverted mamilos that they are short, but the fabric mammary if protracting well it will not cause problems or greaters difficulties in breast-feeding (KING, 1991). Giugliani (2000) tells that the plain or inverted mamilos are barriers at the beginning of breast-feeding, but it does not consider them an obstacle, vestment that a work next to the mother can encourage it breast-feeding to it. Full breasts, doloridas or ingurgitadas: The mammary ingurgitamento reflects imperfection in the mechanism of auto-regulation of the physiology of the lactation, resulting in congestion and increase of the vascularizao, accumulation of milk and edema due to blockage of the lymphatic draining for the increase of the vascularizao and wadding of the alveoli. The increase of intraductal pressure makes with that accumulated milk if becomes more viscous, originating ' ' milk empedrado' '. For the relief of the ingurgitamento one sends regards extration of the milk that is congesting the breast, by means of direct breast-feeding to the just-been born one. If after the satisfaction of the baby still will have ' ' inchao' ' of the breast, the relief if of the one for the manual withdrawal of maternal milk Sends regards accomplishment to it of delicate massages in the breasts (important in the fluidificao of viscous milk and in the stimulaton of the consequence of ejection of milk) e, cold compresses (or ice envolto in fabric) in regular intervals (2 in 2horas in the cases most serious), per 15 minutes (hipotermia place provokes vasoconstrio and, consequently, it reduces the sanguine flow and the production of milk).