Insert Insulin

Vacation time: Relaxed travel despite diabetes mellitus hair, June 2011 In the summer the travel fever grabs many people. For diabetics, however, more things in the luggage includes towel, sunscreen and floats. “The diabetes Dr. Elmar Jaeckel answered on June 21 in the context of an additional appointment phone question time diabetes the freephone number 0800 673 11 11 all questions on the subject of relaxed travel despite diabetes mellitus”. Since may, the diabetes, a psychologist and a diabetes consultant give alternately every first Thursday in the month from 17 until 19 pm report on various aspects related to the disease.

Before the holidays, diabetics in every case should clarify exercise capacity. Says Dr. Elmar Jaeckel: diabetics should make a stress ECG prior to departure. Heart and circulatory system are exposed special loads when unusual climate and a tiring trip, which the traveller can counteract.” Also it is advisable before departure together with the physician the health passport to diabetes and blood sugar diary Update. A vaccine may also be necessary depending on the destination. In particular, a vaccination against hepatitis B is recommended for diabetics. The viral infection can be transmitted, for example, by a necessary because of diabetes complications hospitalization.

Packing bags with diabetes the diabetics should pack a sufficient supply of his medication. Diabetes consultant and expert telephone question time diabetes Elke Kerth gives the hint: you pack each twice the amount of insulin and test strips, climate-related changes to be able to check and collect. Test strips should be distributed on different pieces of baggage and stored neither too hot nor too cold. The storage of insulin in the fridge is not possible, special bags remedy for diabetes supplies.” For the blood glucose, insulin Pen and the insulin pump is: Insert each a replacement and spare batteries. Disposable syringes ensure the supply if pen or pump fail.

Kate Middleton

If you have more a fleeting interest in the loss of weight, is very probable that she has considered – or tried – a protein diet high. Although the high protein diets have existed from the diet of Atkins in 1970, have returned to be fashionable already Kate Middleton (now Catherine, duchess of Cambridge) says that there is lost weight with the Dukan diet. It is probable that also this familiarizing with the Paleo Diet, that tends to go of the hand with the training of CrossFit. Finally, Tim Ferris began a new movement with his " diet rich Lentos&quot carbohydrate;. The near cousin of the high protein diets is " sugar is malo". The argument is that the sugar is the cause of the enormous increase of the obesity and the low fat diets of long ago had all evil. I am not going to enter the protein debate/sugar here, aside from saying that you can lose weight with a high protein diet, and the reduction of the sugar in its diet is beneficial for almost everybody. But also weight with any diet can be lost that it has a pinch of common sense, and ' the sugar is bad " message has to us been bombing since ramos children, so this is not a revelation.

It is difficult not to feel guilty of which still you must leave the habit of the sugar, or to admit that you would really like a sandwich for the lunch instead of another salad of chicken. In fact, the true problem, real about all these high protein diets – the rich slow carbohydrate Atkins, Dukan, Paleo and diet – is that they were developed by the men. Before thinking that this is completely sexist, I believe that it matters, and here are three reasons for it. 1. The men tend to have excess of weight due to the general lack of sensitization and information about the nutrition and the healthful feeding, whereas eating emotionally he tends to play a more important role in the problems of weight in the women.

Martin Langer

Director of bat-like. Peter Gridling represented like prevented FBM due to current events. Johanna Mikl-Leitner in the discussion and input thanked for the good and professional collaboration in the project. Amazing facts and figures were collected for the first time to conduct a study of economic and industrial espionage: 31% of all the companies surveyed in Austria were victims of economic and industrial espionage at least once, was particularly frightening was the fact that almost half of the incidents caused by former employees. In addition to the data from the study showed also that awareness among Austrian companies on the subject of uncontrolled outflow of Know-How is still too little.

That the protection of sensitive company information must be the basis of all of a company’s economic efforts, can be allocated on the basis of this project with facts and figures and thus Sensitization on the protection of Know-How in the title are created. Prevention is one of the most important methods to reduce the risk becoming a victim of economic and industrial espionage, to minimize a lot. Today’s Guide and related available on the platform of the expert training to raise awareness for the protection of Know-How in the company, should enable the managers and the employees an understandable way to prevention in the area of information security. University of applied sciences-Prof. DI Martin Langer, head of the Department of the Department of risk and safety management, illustrated with a history from the 18th century, where one was founded by industrial espionage on base until today important, Austrian manufacturer, that the topic is not an invention of today economic and industrial espionage, but this already very long a method is used to develop of their own businesses. What has however changed is the speed, how data and information can be approached. The attack points each company have been increased by a substantial part.