In relation to fluorine, Portaria N. 635/BSB (1975) estabelecenormas and standards for fluoretao of the water treated in systems to abastecimentodestinada to the human consumption. This Would carry describes main metodologiasde dosage and analysis of the ion fluorid, indicating the fluorine composites the seremutilizados ones in the fluoretao of treated waters. The presented methods of Water would nessaportaria for the determination of the ion fluorid is same described noStandard Methods will be the Examination and Wastewater of the American PublicHealth Association (APHA, 1995). Currently, Brazil counts on Portaria N. 518 (2004), would dSecretaria of Monitoring in Health, whose main objective is estabelecercritrios, parameters and standards aiming at to the adequacy of the used water for consumohumano. Amongst the parameters whose limits had been fixed by Portaria N.
518 (2004) they are enclosed the acceptable levels of fluorid in the water for consumohumano. The fluorine, was throughout the year of 2005, in waters of the River deContas, in the cities of Ubaitaba and Itacar, inside of the standards permitidospela resolution n 357/05 CONAMA, with concentrations of up to 1,4 mg. L-1, being able then these waters to be used to the supplying for consumohumano. The fluorine helps in the prevention of dental carieses in indivduosna growth phase. When ingested in excess it provokes a series classified desintomatologias as fluorose dental, that it becomes the fragile dentesmanchados ones and, and fluorose of the .causing skeleton of pains in the coasts, nopescoo until permanent deformations of the dosligamentos bones as the calcificao and the ssea hiper-density that generate invalidity, being that dosesexcessivas they lead to the death. The fluorine is still a very toxic element paravegetais. On the other hand, the dosdentes fluorine deficiency increases the vulnerability the caries (CORTECCI, 2006). Coliformes Total is gram-negative bacilli, aerobic facultative ouanaerbios, not formadores of esporos, oxidase-negative, capazesde to grow in the presence of leaves biliary or other active composites desuperfcie (surfactantes), with similar properties of inhibition decrescimento, and that they leaven the lactose with aldehyde production, acid and gas a35C in 24-48 hours.