At the current rate structure, the fitness benefits of an interest rate of 3 months compared to an interest rate, for example, 10 years are considerable. With our so-called variable loan, the condition only for 3 months is written down and then adapted to the market. This variant worth right sideways or downward trends of interest rates. An example: At a purchase price of 220.000,-and 50.000,-clean-up costs 5% approximately repayment plus 1% at 10 years interest rate the current interest rate. At a three month interest rate you pay only 2.24% nominal (as of Oct 6, 2009). Tip: Use the interest savings to the increased amortization and save twice.
In our example, the borrower can pay off so instead of 1% even with 3.75%. In addition to the interest savings, the loan is paid off even faster. Important: A variable loan won’t be credible with soaring interest rates. Then it makes sense to back up the interest in the long term. If you complete a variable loan, you should therefore by us regularly informed about the interest rates. Do you have questions? We advise you gladly. Contact us regarding all round to your financing: construction financing business financing regenerative systems for electricity and heat generation. Insulation, window, bathroom, kitchen, or other measures.
Financing with State funding of the KfW-bank. Refinancing interest better position. Top construction interest by October 12, 2009 3.04% nom., 3.08% eff. Fixed-rate nominal effective * 5 years after: 3.04% 3.08% 10 years: 3.83% 3.90% 15 years: 4.13% 4.21% 20 years: 4.35% 4.42%, 30 years after: 4.77% 4.88% * beg. EFF. Annual percentage rate according to PAngV example: Euro 100.000.-from a monthly rate of euro 402,50 – including 1% repayment – 10 years fixed – 100% payout eff.Interest 3.90% now customize money saving and financing… Current information from home loan terms for the own user trade craft industry investor Bautrager investors. Information and advice: Edgar Wittenius-BauProjekt development Fohrenweg 7 51491 Overath Tel: 02206/949772 fax: 02204 / 307564 mobile: 0163 / 5210490 email: mailto:witt101 at Web page: these DOMAINS are for sale: