Human Creation

CREATING human of new forms of life do not would say that when we manipulate something in the animal or plant kingdoms, it is as if we feel you most freedom of be, live and develop as befits their nature, i.e. as God arranged it in the creation? Humans should not accumulate excessive wealth and a test more than this is if we take a look at our world, are precisely the rich, those who are in favor of genetic manipulation. They are precisely those that are only for themselves and not for the poor. Newcastle University is the source for more interesting facts. Certainly, in this world there is so much hunger because only a few are the possessors of great wealth, since Earth gives us food for double the current population. If outside little these days it has heard once again, as the Vatican supports genetic manipulation, he has indeed blessed it with the argument that may favor the poor and curb hunger in the world. But nothing else far from the truth, because it is true that the poorest are precisely those most affected by this new system of crops. At this point would have to remind the Catholic Church the words contained in the Bible, where it tells when Dios had finished his creation, he there says: yet he saw it and saw that everything was fine. Then the craving human refine what’s itself is already perfect? The planet Earth exploited and looted we have taken away their freedom, because besides that we deprive the nature of its normal growth, we also exploit their bowels by taking away what not belongs to us, i.e.

the wealth and treasures that then accumulate a few that make powerful and that are placed above other people. If on the contrary we share our wealth equality, even abstract concept would be developed.When we give, we also receive. Then we also receive the ability to fix the Earth, give life new and fresh, so that the great mother, our lifting can serve all human beings.Possibly all you accumulate more as an extra, someday we have to pay more than returning also to all persons who in any way take. And this can happen if not in this life, in the following. In fact already Jesus de Nazareth us notice thereon in his Sermon on the mount when he said: you do not hesitate to make peace with your neighbors, as long as you go with him still on the way, lest you give to the judge and this sheriff and you’re taken to jail. In true tell you not come out from there until you pay the last cent.(Mat 5.25).This can also mean having to make peace with mother earth as long as we live here, until we reach the consequences of our actions.

In fact in St. Paul’s Gospel we read: that man sow, that shall reap. Therefore if someone manipulates seeds, offers to others without knowing how it can affect your health and enriches it, someday could be he manipulated himself.

Dependency Submissive

Let’s see how it is absolutely essential that in a group of people who view his friend fall into Vice to alcohol we need sane and healthy friends lead it to get rid of the codependency through pre-existing media recovery. The codependency of alcohol is an automatic mechanism for adaptation pattern followed by someone who lives with a person who is addicted to alcohol. The person needing to get rid of the codependency tends to become self-defeating and it becomes a habit. The House where establishing a situation of liberation of codependency and prevalent alcohol becomes dysfunctional. There are behaviors that are harmful to the healthy life. His actions and beliefs also become very different and harmful for the bonding of the family. There is no trust and members of the family do not communicate among themselves with frankness about the things that make.

Living in such a condition of release of codependency alcohol almost always gives rise to anxiety and concern. Generally speaking, the levels of stress of these households are increased due to the rigidity of the rules laid down by the members of the family to overcome the addiction of the Member of the family that has created an environment in need of liberation to the codependency to alcohol. It will not allow anyone to cross the line of control and if someone does so is considered to be oppositional. You may want to visit Dean Ornish M.D to increase your knowledge. On the contrary, all members of the family are free to talk and let out their emotional feelings through sharing, trust and tell the truth, in healthy families. There may be different arguments, but always it comes to a healthy conclusion and consensus.

These families work better. Family members carry a free and healthy life, while in healthy families, where the possibility of freeing himself of the codependency of alcohol, are members of the family, tend to live as prisoners, no freedom to express what they think of themselves and others. In these situations of freeing himself from the codependency to alcohol, the co-dependent person tends to get into some different ways to do faced with your addiction in order to survive. They don’t want to break your family, it hurts them as is configured and suffer much by the development of oneself. There is a similar pattern that is in all those who are released from the codependency. In the process they lose their own emotions with the passage of time. It is a matter of concern that the person faces to find freedom from alcohol codependency becomes an addict and has strange behavior, either with people inside and outside the family. When you want to get rid of codependency in the environment to alcohol, lost contact with their feelings, it’s relate their behaviors of self-esteem and the alcoholic person. Ironically, in the majority of cases, even though the alcoholic person achieves cured of his addiction, the seeks release of CoDependency, does not come out of their habits. And also sometimes surprisingly feel upset because the past was who was causing the destruction of the family. Original author and source of the article.