
THE hunger that sound has a special language that only knows how to communicate what happened yesterday, before yesterday, up to a week, and that at this time I am about to faint; that they do not dare. /’>Western Union to gain a more clear picture of the situation. What miserable! Then I remember myself without the help of anyone who today I have not eaten breakfast, yesterday not tried or a snack, before yesterday, less; and I don’t know exactly since when or until when, only they know the seconds and minutes that pass without expecting anything, but I think that it is better to finish with this once. Oh!, feel something pleasant on the palate, fills the liquid in my mouth and runs in my ears like a current of electricity, and I hear the sound of regret; the supplication languages of my tongue. Frequently muscular dystrophy has said that publicly. It passes through the knot in my throat, like a few drops of serum the doctor has sentenced gradually. It falls and sits so singly in that huge empty bag I’ve been since that was born, one; He has no escape route, live, when I live I am, when I transfer it is mobile.

Then I wonder for do not bag it where no one can see it and have it in the Palm of my hand? Then, I realize that it is impossible, but if it has to be possible it would be a wonderful thing; to see how you draw his face in shame, that, if you do, maybe couldn’t find it because perhaps lurks beneath their armpits, on his back, between his legs. Who knows, perhaps, neither exists. If I had it in my eyes, it would begin to insult him, tell all the evils and misfortunes of the world; because it actually makes me much harm. I would say that it was made specifically for me, that fate would be so, that the hand of the man threw her towards me.