Revolt! The No-good Textiles Revolution

Represented artists will present their positions on the textile culture and studies international exhibition project for the textile contemporary culture. You may refer to those issues that determine the perception and use of textiles: aesthetics, consumption, recycling and general reflection. You may wish to learn more. If so, Professor Roy Taylor is the place to go. The work by an expert jury from over 200 applications from the Switzerland, England, France, Germany and the United States have been selected. The title refers specifically to the withdrawn”usefulness, but also on the conversion of the material. Benevento is the ambivalence of worthlessness and resistance of passivity and activity by the ambiguity of the word”uselessness or nerve? obvious. A strong, sustainable rebellion!”of objects so processed in our accelerated world of consumption appears almost inevitable from this perspective.

Background to this approach is the artistic revision and reinterpretation of objects and materials, at the beginning of the 20th century in the art world intruded and coincided with a broadening of the definition of art. In this sense demanded 1918 to withdraw their usefulness character the most used and thus worthless things and materials”Raoul Hausmann, the radical propagandist of the dadaists. So everyday objects found their way into the Visual Arts as Marcel Duchamp and Kurt Schwitters, and the established classical genus limits as well as the conventional understanding of the artistic work process were questioned and newly interpreted. Since then, the preoccupation with objects of everyday use, with found objects and recycled materials and the aesthetic discharge – related conversion in the arts is firmly established. The exhibition revolution! “the no-good textiles”is realized in the framework of the cooperation project textour 2011”, conducting the workshop hannover e.v.

together with the craft form Hannover and other institutions. The ETN (European textile network) and accompany the textile Forum magazine the project. The exhibition will be from the region of Hannover, the culture Office of the State capital of Hanover and AHA sponsored. In the aftermath of rebellion! The no-good textiles”at opened 18 March exhibition titled body envelopes the craft through the project, which will be accompanied by wide-ren events during the exhibition period. A catalogue to the exhibition. Dates in the context of textour 2011 “Saturday, March 19, from 1: 00 show & tell patchwork meeting, location: workshop hannover e.v. Tuesday, March 22, 2011, 7: 00″is it still rags? On the current significance of a Marxist term”Studio interview with Prof. Dr. Matthias Mohring-Hesse Organizer: third world forum, place: Kunsthalle Faust Thursday, March 24, 2011, 7: 00″ used clothing to Africa: job killer or business miracle? ” Discussion with Friedel Hutz-Adams (Sudwind Institute) and Andreas Voget (fair competition) organiser: third world forum, place: Kunsthalle Faust Friday, 25th March, 2-5 pm, Designfreitag 4, Hannover, Symposium (binding registration required) “Organizer: craft form Hannover and work Academy for design and design in the craft Niedersachsen e.V. place: craft form Hanover Thursday, April 7, 4:30 fabric times differently” textiles in the flood and coastal protection lecture by Dr. ing. Barbel Koppe, aquadot Organizer: third world forum, place: Franzius Institute of Leibniz University Hannover guides in the craft form Hannover: 30 March / April 13, each 16:30 hours: workshop hannover e.V.: Mon Fri 10-13: 00, Mon, Tue, Thu 16-18 pm Kunsthalle Faust: Thu and Fri 16-8: 00, SA and so 2 pm 6 pm craft form Hannover: Tue Fri 11 – 18, sat 11-14 h which was workshop hannover e.v. 1971 founded by artists modeled on the Dutch creativity centres. Here, artists offer courses for adults, socio-cultural (art) carry out projects and organise exhibitions. The workshop and exhibition spaces located in the cultural center Pavilion in Hannover. Kathrin Symens

Breast Cancer

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Breast cancer is a group of abnormal cells, and you need to know the because these cells mutate to find the causes of the because this happens, you will know what to do and what not to do to avoid that they expand more and clear to delete them. Do as deleted its Cancer forever? Knowing all about breast cancer, we need to do is reverse the process, not promote the environment in our body to keep it proliferandose, if you have cancer, knows that can be cured, by reversing the process, and for those girls who still do not have breast cancer, can take measures and forget the CANCER forever. Click here for know the process of elimination of the Cancer of MOM for always.

The Way Of Life Of Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Willem van Gogh pioneering images of a restless artist Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) applies for good reason as a pioneer of modern painting. His style is arrested partly large area coverage and the only hint of representation of nature and people quite clearly yet Impressionism with his. At the same time are quite even expressionistic trains to recognize. Always restless man, who entered no compromises and so often offended the building rules, he created more than 1,000 drawings and almost 900 pictures all from his last decade of life. This tremendous productivity is due to a huge drive which brought him even however no fame and too little money.

Until 1890, in his last year, got some of his paintings in exhibitions and were even quite successful. But above all they strengthened its reputation as an avant-garde artist, which in turn inspired his progressive-minded colleagues to imitate. Van Gogh lived in many different places, could endure it but never long on one. Sometimes got bored soon the environment which however rarely occurred. Much more often, he got together with his fellow. Because van Gogh felt always attacked and personally attacked. This restlessness and the proximity to the Lone Wolf, however, tremendous impact had on his work.

The rainfall in his paintings are which so fascinate us. Van Gogh has never visited an Art Academy. Instead he taught largely self the techniques himself, by he first copied old masters, notably Frans Hals and Rembrandt, where he then interpreted the style in your own way and formed from. The period from 1880 to 1885 he spent in Brussels and Holland and took over the predominantly dark shades, the thick and clearly visible brushwork and the waiving of details that had to give the overall impression in those years. His most important oil painting, this phase is not he the potato eaters, in that only great passion because of the appearance of the simple, almost humble life laid, but also with great effort the peasant family as a whole clustered.

Intelligent Diet

It becomes thin With the Intelligent Diet It thins With the Intelligent Diet. Innumerable diets exist to lower of weight, all of them represent all different types of sacrifice and offer immediate results, although until certain point they are visible, the long term results are reversed and, worse still, it increases the double of weight that get ready to reduce the first time. Considering this fact, some experts suggest it better diet is that one in which " everything eats, but in small cantidades". And this is a fatal error, since this leads to as diverse food combination as milk, meats, starch, fats and sugar, that finally a series of upheavals of the health leads to the excess of weight and. The form to eat intelligent is an alternative diet to lower of weight with all the existing systems and whose proposal is simple: to know how what foods to combine in the same food and how to choose foods with less calories. Nevertheless, to understand how the intelligent diet civil servant is necessary to know to you and to understand as it is the art to eat and mechanism of the digestion.

The importance of the digestion The true art to eat is completely to digest foods, so that all the nutrients, including amino acids, vitamins and minerals, are assimilated. For it, the body it separates foods in simpler components. All the process is called digestion and it is realised through the digestive organs. During the route that follows the food from the mouth to the intestine in contact with called substances enzymes that disturb more and more in small parts, to obtain the nutrients in form that can therefore absorb them to the body are essential for the life. In our body many digestive enzymes exist, each with specific action.