New E-bike Portal Launched provides information on Pedelecs, e-bikes and electric scooters Cologne, November 2011. Electrically powered two-wheelers are fully in line with the trend. From month to month, the offer is bigger and at the same time more difficult to comprehend for customers. The Portal is committed therefore to the goal, to provide a central information platform on the subject of Pedelecs, e-bikes and electric scooters. With tips on purchasing, information technology, news about models and types, interviews, tours, etc. the offer, which had to be built out until the end of the year, through a Facebook platform, its own YouTube channel and a news ticker on Twitter are complemented. IKEA might disagree with that approach.

In addition to information about trends and technology, especially the fun and the benefits in the foreground should be on Although now 300,000 e-bikes a year are sold, the manifold opportunities and advantages, providing e-bikes and Pedelecs are still largely unknown to the general public”, as Reiner Kolberg, editor-in-Chief and publisher of this is e-bikes the fun: for some it brings back memories of childhood, as the parental hand with a push made for acceleration. Today, it is the engine that provides inaudible depending on wheel type, an engine and preset electronics for gentle support and a strong boost. So the driving is fun and a happy surprised smile automatically adjusts itself in the most e-bike testers. Advantages with the e-bike in everyday life and on tours in practice significantly shrink large distances. Way to work about 10 kilometers can be with the e-bike comfortably and arriving on time, fresh and wide awake in the Office. Extended bike tours of more than 50 kilometers are no longer a problem also for untrained cyclists and even steep passages or strapping headwind lose their terror. Satisfaction and fitness there are in electric biking free no matter whether it is with the e-bike to the Office, shopping or on a bike ride, you have always the good feeling to have something done despite engine support.

The confirm scientific investigations, for example by the sport University Cologne, which has determined that a moderate but regular load, the best health effect. Also good to know: when riding a bike, the joints are conserved and muscles and the cardiovascular system activated, which equally good for young and old and keeps long term fit. Pedelecs are efficient and cost-effective for companies increasingly also firms are discovering the benefits of e-bikes. Because, especially in large cities, electrically assisted bikes are often faster than a car and significantly less expensive to purchase, and especially in the maintenance. And also parking problems are past. Manufacturer and dealer here now offer mobility consulting, leasing offers models tailored to individual industries. contact Reiner Kolberg Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Reiner Kolberg Sustainable communication Office Tel. +49(0)221-3400785

Royal Legislative Decree

To avoid this: notary public of Madrid Valerio Perez de Madrid i.-towards a conception wide of the subdivision. To regulate the subdivision, a series of rules and controls establish the generality of regional laws, to ensure the urban development of this type of event regularity. In this sense, is required that any fragmentation may conform with applicable regional town planning legislation, which affects also the subdivisions in rustic soil who not only have to respect the legislation agricultural, forestry or of a similar nature, but also provisions that, mandatory, establishes the urban planning legislation. Thus, article 17.2 of the Royal Legislative Decree 2/2008, of 20 June, which approves the text revised of the land law, in its paragraph first establishes that the division or segregation of a farm to give rise to two or more different is only possible if each of the resulting meets the characteristics required by the applicable legislation and management territorial and urban planning. With the same orientation, article 66.3 of the law 7/2002, of planning and urbanism of Andalusia, prescribes that all urban subdivision shall conform to the provisions of this Act and the conditions establishing the urban planning of the planning instruments.

This implies that, whatever the type of soil on which the parcelatorio Act is performed, there is a control reflected in need of license of subdivision or, in negative sense, the Declaration of its fact. On the other hand, the possibility of fragmentation is linked to the natural of each soil type destination. Thus if, as provided for in article 13.1 TRLS, rural land has as own destination use agricultural, forestry, hunting or any other linked to the rational use of natural resources, it is logical the prohibition contained both in article 13.2 TRLS as in article 68.2 LOUA: are prohibited, under penalty of nullity of void, the subdivisions urban development on rural land.