Roughly a thousand years ago the Mayans in Central America, adorned themselves, teeth so that as a result they were in the form of triangles. Then they made them inlays of turquoise and jade rivets. Drilled holes in the teeth and fastened stones substance, resembling a modern cement. If they thought that their example will inspire fashionistas and fashionistas of the xxi century? Hardly. And yet today there is every opportunity to go on footsteps of the ancients.
Of course, grind down the teeth to be none, but their inlay at the height of fashion. Today skill setting decorations dentists master in Germany. This country can be called the birthplace of modern decorative dentistry, because that's where the fashion on the precious smile. Initially, as the Maya (there inlaid stones could only members of the aristocracy), the procedure was considered elite. But the gleaming teeth quickly become a universal domain – current dental inlay is very much higher spending does not suggest. If you want to become an owner of a brilliant smile, not necessarily to shell out for diamonds. Fashionable ladies and dandies decorate teeth not only jewels, and sequins and Skys (imitating stones).
Worries mouthful Understandably, no diamond decorates the curves, the sick and the yellow teeth. Before installing the stone, it is necessary to cure dental caries, to acquire perfect dentition and snow-white smile. If your teeth are healthy, but disappoint their color, make pre-whitening, and then to fix the decoration. Stones mounted on the upper teeth, the so-called line of smiles – in canines, "unit" and "Quartet." Which tooth "will shine, solved individually. You need to look how many teeth bared in a smile and how much they are at the same time open gaze of others. Someone can see only the edges teeth, someone the whole gum. In general, you should simply choose a place where the decoration would look harmonious. If you prefer hard – just try on his treasure, temporarily "planted" it on the Bond (restorative material). Paramount importance and size of the "stone". Here, too, all individually. At the large teeth of a large stone will look coordinated, but to little vulgar.