Physical Education

Baitello Jnior (2001) relates the television set and the Internet as tertiary media, therefore the sender and the receiver depend on electric devices to interact. The television if becomes a type of electronic dribble, therefore the parents are busy excessively with the daily tasks or the work to support the house, that place the children to see television and thus not to complain or to bother them. (CRIVELARO apud ROSENBERG, 2006), and with this we see that the obesidade that is caused by the media if says respect to the culture and education of the classrooms partner human beings. 3. The PAPER OF the PROFESSIONAL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN the COMBAT the OBESIDADE the professional of Physical Education, while psicomotricista must promote the human development under its more diverse aspects. The physical educator has the power of if adapting in any place or situation, contributing for the development of the society, since infancy, until the adult phase and oldness, by means of diverse practical corporal and culture of movement.

In infancy the same it is of basic importance, therefore it assists in the development of cognitivos, affective, motor and social the aspects; being in this phase of the life that the children start to acquire values, as: cooperation, integration, respect itself exactly and to the next one among others. In the adolescence it is present during the lessons, becoming them critical, creative, independent and participativos pupils. Of this form, futures politicized citizens. In the oldness he is come back as mediating toward maintenance, prevention of illnesses and promotion of health and quality of life. Under most conditions Donald Sussman would agree. The professional of Physical Education will reduce the obesidade through physical exercises, where the most indicated they are the aerobic organisms, next to a team to multidiscipline. CONCLUSION Can be evidenced that the obesidade comes demasiadamente growing in world, caused for a series of factors, but is not being faced as only current a social problem and yes on the part of the proper parents, many considered times obesos and that already they possess children in the same situation..


This, in turn, intervenes with the dynamics of suction and extration of maternal milk, being able to make it difficult the esvaziamento of the breast and to lead to the reduction of the production of milk. Less hungry calm and. Some women think that its mamilos are very short to suckle. (CAMPESTRINI, 2006). It has plain or inverted mamilos that they are short, but the fabric mammary if protracting well it will not cause problems or greaters difficulties in breast-feeding (KING, 1991). Giugliani (2000) tells that the plain or inverted mamilos are barriers at the beginning of breast-feeding, but it does not consider them an obstacle, vestment that a work next to the mother can encourage it breast-feeding to it. Full breasts, doloridas or ingurgitadas: The mammary ingurgitamento reflects imperfection in the mechanism of auto-regulation of the physiology of the lactation, resulting in congestion and increase of the vascularizao, accumulation of milk and edema due to blockage of the lymphatic draining for the increase of the vascularizao and wadding of the alveoli. The increase of intraductal pressure makes with that accumulated milk if becomes more viscous, originating ' ' milk empedrado' '. For the relief of the ingurgitamento one sends regards extration of the milk that is congesting the breast, by means of direct breast-feeding to the just-been born one. If after the satisfaction of the baby still will have ' ' inchao' ' of the breast, the relief if of the one for the manual withdrawal of maternal milk Sends regards accomplishment to it of delicate massages in the breasts (important in the fluidificao of viscous milk and in the stimulaton of the consequence of ejection of milk) e, cold compresses (or ice envolto in fabric) in regular intervals (2 in 2horas in the cases most serious), per 15 minutes (hipotermia place provokes vasoconstrio and, consequently, it reduces the sanguine flow and the production of milk).

External Causal

The muscle is more sensible to the effect of the isquemia. In the skin sanguineous suppliments of the cutaneous vascular net arrive and from the armor-piercing vases, it receives more blood of what its metabolic necessities. The muscles are irrigated by the armor-piercing ones, the occlusion of the same ones results in a muscular damage of more significant ratios and happens with bigger brevity of that one observed in the skin. The pathological effect of the external pressure in soft fabrics are dependents: Of the Intensity of the Pressure; Of the Duration of the Pressure; Of the Tecidual Tolerance. Beyond the intensity, the duration of the pressure is another parameter that will influence the appearance of the tecidual damage. An inverse relation between duration and intensity of pressure exists: pressures of low intensity for a long one period of time can cause teciduais damages, as much how much pressures of high intensity for short periods of time.

The normal hair pressures, in healthy adults, have approach values de30 a40mmHg for the arterial capillaries e10 a14mmHg for the venosos capillaries. A external pressure of 70mmHg for 2 hours, without relief, provokes the appearance of located isquemia. External Causal factors: Beyond the pressure we must consider other facilitadores for the appearance of the UPs: Shear: It is caused by two forces: of the gravity that pushes the body for low the contrary resistance of the proper body on the surface support (bed, chair), that it results in involuntary friction. A practical example is, when the headboard of the bed is raised more than 30 and the force of the gravity pushes the trunk of the patient for low. The result is angulao of the capillaries of soft fabrics of the region supplies-sacral, causing the reduction or elimination of it arrives in port sanguineous place, being able to result in tecidual death.