Immigration To The Czech Republic !

The Czech Republic is one of the fastest growing countries in Central Europe, in no small measure to this affect her positive attitude to the immigration issue. In the Czech Republic always welcome foreign professionals almost all regions, and loyal attitude to immigrant workers annually provides the country influx of workers with higher education. It pleased everyone: manual workers, and programmers, and entrepreneurs. AND especially for those who want to try to begin life in the Czech Republic, we wrote the answers to the most pressing issues arising from the move. Based on what you can get a residence permit in the Czech Republic? 1) Contract work – Work visa 2) Entrepreneurship 3) Studying 4) Participation in the Czech legal entity 5) Family reunification What permit and permanent residency? Residence permit – residence permit issued by one year of residence in the Czech Republic. Permanent residency – permanent place residence, before that you have to live in the Czech Republic five years.

What is the annual multivisa? The first time you, as the founder of the Czech company, given the business a multi-entry visa. From the second year – residence permit. For how long is a residence permit? Residence Permit issued for 2 years. How fast can you get permanent residence? 5 years after first obtaining a permit to reside in the Czech Republic (multivisa). There are other possibilities – a marriage with a citizen of the CR, etc. What makes the existence of permanent residence rights? Besides being able to Czech Army to serve in and be elected to parliament, almost all other rights – as a citizen of the Czech Republic. How long will I be able to move freely in the Schengen area? From the second year of residence, ie when multivisa will be replaced with residence permit. As in the Czech Republic are Russian and other immigrants from the former Soviet Union? Adequately the behavior of their own.

Initially, when they first met – some wary, it's only natural when you first communicating with a foreigner. Then – as you deserve it – depending on the style and manner of your behavior. Do I need to submit the Czech Clearance? From 1 July 2008, the police, the Aliens are not required to provide Czech Clearance. How fast can I get Czech citizenship? 5 years after obtaining permanent residence. Children can learn from foreigners in the Czech school or college? Education in the Czech language for free. Higher education institutions have pay operating costs: for a place in a hostel, books, etc. Czech Republic recognizes whether dual citizenship? Like Russia, the Czech Republic does not recognize the institution of dual citizenship (not to be confused with a second citizenship). If you intend to become Czech citizen, you have to part with a Russian passport.