' The press freedom does not make its power to feel only on the opinions politics, but also on all the opinions of the men. It does not modify only the laws, but costumes.' ' (TOCQUEVILLE, 1998: 207) ' ' In a born in the kingdom country where ostensive the dogma of the sovereignty of the people, the censorship is not only one danger, but a great nonsense. When if it grants to each one a right to govern the society, fulfills to recognize it to it capacity to choose between the different opinions that agitate its contemporaries and to appreciate different the done ones whose knowledge can guide it. The sovereignty of the people and the freedom of the press are, therefore, two entirely correlative things. The censorship and the universal vote are, in contrast, two things that if contradict and if they cannot find for much time in the institutions poltcas of one same people. It enters the twelve million men who live in the territory of the United States, does not have one alone that it has bold to consider the restriction of the freedom of imprensa.' ' (TOCQUEVILLE, 1998: 209) In first displayed stretch, it is perceived influence of the press freedom that is related intrinsically to the society, demonstrating such verification from its insertion in the customs, what it characterizes a familiarization in the social scope. In the second citation, it is exposed legitimacy of the popular sovereignty being certified for the opinion freedom that could not be contained through the censorship, displaying the conscience of the people to discern concerning the diverse opinions that permeiam the public space and the responsibility in its election for the sobriety of the choice freedom.
The press freedom, allows that the State, that is, the representation of the popular sovereignty, can have ' ' voz' ' that this is not restricted, since it assumes the form of corresponding interlocutor all this body of individuals that composes the nation. The press freedom, is the voice of all, that is, of nobody, therefore the one is that allows to inside echo of a society the liberty of speech, making possible also, the plea of the effective power, even so nor always functions of this form, for a monopoly of the medias of mass. It remains a forceful concern still more, therefore to know of the form as the information are monopolized, make possible a priori reflection, but and how much the form as these information are being caught? How the information are absorbed and relayed in way to a net of primary communication? After all of accounts, this sectorial net also possesss its complexity of reproduction, creating a degenerative informative chain of immediate effect, with repercussions beyond our percipient contingency. Bibliographical reference: TOCQUEVILLE, Alexis of. The Democracy in America: Book I? laws and customs of certain laws and customs politicians who of course had been suggested to the Americans for its democratic social state.
translation: Eduardo Brando. preface, bibliography and chronology: Franois Furet. So Paulo: Martins Sources, 1998. (Paidia)