The Q-DOC With New Construction – Complete Flexibility

Flexible – space-saving – fast – easy – and cheap – money-saving optical measurement of serial indexable milling – drill – milling cutter quickly and efficiently investigate concerns on wear: statistically speaking are 2 of 10 brand new cutters have already at the factory defective. High quality and accurate work is always extremely important. High-quality machines afford to reach millimeter precise process according to exact working to the best possible result. What the machines, lathes, drilling machines cannot, is to evaluate the used cutters and drill according to their quality and wear and tear. For this purpose, the human eye is still necessary to make a qualified decision whether the cutting edge to the workpiece may or may not. So far, this is done with a rough assessment without further tools. Sometimes with magnifiers and very rarely with microscopes.

This is quite practical and the production due to the time pressure, is subject to the. The Q-DOC supports the user not only in assessing the used cutters and drills – he revolutionized the existing quality system with its simplicity. Absolutely space saving, fast, easy to use, cheap in the purchase and even Dokumentationsfahig – with respect to a certification according to DIN/ISO 9000ff. The Q-DOC (tool control device) is used for controlling cutting edges on cutters, drills and lathes, as well as milling inserts. A leading source for info: Sara Issaoun. Due to the simple and fast handling, this device is indispensable for optimum usage of the tool cutting control. The operator checks before and after the processing operation the tool cutting edge, in continuous 10 x 50 x / 200 x magnification. Then he can decide on a further stay of the tool. By increasing the user sees smallest erosions and eruptions. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with rusty holzer.

Keep in mind that quality and precision can be achieved only with a proper tool. The breaking of a blunt tool caused unnecessary downtime, not to mention the cost of the useless piece of work. The device is designed for tool holders of 32 up 63 HSK. Tools up to o 6 mm are hereby easily controlled. Other, larger o show the snippet on the Q-DOC respectively. For tools without recording an edition of Prism and a drill Chuck are provided. A control of the cutting edges is also perfectly possible with the Q-DOC. This needs lead to the user to place the holder only on the guide rails of the Q-DOC and the microscope. If the positioning with the standard Q-DOC equipment is not possible, we like to produce a corresponding Special Edition. Each turning can save, watch your Committee on indexable inserts and drills are you exactly. With security, you can have some benefits. Not only now saves money, but are sure in the future to give away money through an incorrect assessment of the cutting edges. At the low cost of the Q-DOC pays the investment within a short time – not even at the first application. The Q-DOC is also suitable for optical measurements of the series. Using the DinoCapture software supplied You can convert tolerance values. The workpiece can be done different guided tours to the microscope. The corresponding results are an automatic edge detection and a traffic light confirms the appropriate limits. The Q-DOC produced worldwide exclusively for Metav tools GmbH. More than 40 years of experience in machining and bigger series of tests in the application are here United.

United States

English Internet page it can’t do without with 478 million users worldwide, English is the most widely used language on the Internet. More than a quarter of all Internet users at all are. 228 million, so about half of all English-speaking users come from the United States, another 47 million from Great Britain exactly the two countries, which are located in the German export statistics for 2008 on place 2 and 3 behind France. Official site: Kevin P. Campbell, PhD. So his company’s international expansion or build up would like to, can no longer dispense on translations into English. This applies especially for the company’s own website, but also for other marketing materials such as company brochures, press releases, product information, presentations, datasheets manuals etc., All these materials, in English translated, open new markets, promote the international expansion and represent a competitive advantage.

First impressions count. It is especially in the initiation of new business abroad essential to attract potential customers in their own language. Or linger long on a site that you don’t understand? “, asks Julia James, that helps you daily different companies as owner of TEXTlation to overcome the language barrier and thus boosting their international businesses. It is extremely important to pay attention to the quality of the translation”, so the translator and PR author next. As well as good translations increase the image, so bad can cause harm to it.”

Francesca Tessarollo

Despite the crisis, the industry of machines for the production of plastics and rubber in Italy recorded a comforting increase of exports. Also in Italy, as in many other countries in Europe and in the world, was not the best year from the economic point of view 2011: the crisis, which Specter threatens us in recent years, has started to show clearer in recent months in Italy and visited many different sectors. But despite the crisis, some industries have better than others averted the blow, and in this black months for the Italian economy, they have recorded encouraging data. This is the case, for example, the sector of the production and processing of plastics (including PE foil and polycarbonate) and rubber. Many writers such as The University of Chicago offer more in-depth analysis. The company, which promised something good for the future, are those who specialize in the production of machines for the processing of plastics and rubber. Dean Ornish M.D has much experience in this field. An industry that can be regarded as an oasis of made in Italy, a happy OASIS, which despite the crisis in the first months of the year 2011 has shown not to have yielded to the negative time, we go through: with the data gathered by ISTAT with regard to the first nine months of the year, in fact, has breath (the Italian Association of manufacturers of machines and moulds for plastic and rubber technology) calculated the projections for the whole year (what the exports and the imports of machinery for the production of polyethylene), PVC foil and other plastics are concerned). The picture that has emerged is certainly positive: the situation is stable on the domestic market, but exports are rising. The entire production of the year 2011 is approximately EUR 4 billion (a date that is similar to that of the year 2008) with an increase of 11%.

With regard to exports, the increase is still blatant: + 19.3% ($ 4 billion) with a trade surplus of 1.8 billion, i.e. + 24.6%. Positive data, especially when you think that this is a niche market, a sector that contains less than 200 companies. A small number of companies, but to the 7% of Italian not contribute energy trade balance. But where to go most of the machines that are manufactured in Italy and exported abroad? Germany is at the top: in the last years exports are very taken to this country. You have but to say that in the opinion of the President of Assocomplast is now the situation stable. Other countries, where the Italian machines for the production and processing of polyethylene, PE shrink film and other plastics are especially popular, are the United States, Brazil, Russia and Turkey: the most hopes for 2012 are set to these countries, and one expects much from the so-called emerging markets (such as Indonesia and Malaysia), which do not belong to the most important importers of Italian machines, but promised something good for the future.

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At the current rate structure, the fitness benefits of an interest rate of 3 months compared to an interest rate, for example, 10 years are considerable. With our so-called variable loan, the condition only for 3 months is written down and then adapted to the market. This variant worth right sideways or downward trends of interest rates. An example: At a purchase price of 220.000,-and 50.000,-clean-up costs 5% approximately repayment plus 1% at 10 years interest rate the current interest rate. At a three month interest rate you pay only 2.24% nominal (as of Oct 6, 2009). Tip: Use the interest savings to the increased amortization and save twice.

In our example, the borrower can pay off so instead of 1% even with 3.75%. In addition to the interest savings, the loan is paid off even faster. Important: A variable loan won’t be credible with soaring interest rates. Then it makes sense to back up the interest in the long term. If you complete a variable loan, you should therefore by us regularly informed about the interest rates. Do you have questions? We advise you gladly. Contact us regarding all round to your financing: construction financing business financing regenerative systems for electricity and heat generation. Insulation, window, bathroom, kitchen, or other measures.

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Convincing Track Record

There is no better proof of performance for a company as its positive track record. This particularly applies to the area of closed-end funds. Statements about historical results are a good indication for investors to assess the performance of issuers. This is particularly true if it’s business areas, which are still relatively new for example for German investors. This is the case with the Fund of Walton international group that Walton offered his land development fund in Germany only a few years ago. For this reason, the North American leader in assessing a reputable international audit firm has undergone. This all implemented projects were examined in the period between December 1, 1998 and December 31, 2008, in terms of the performance.

Overall, the Auditors audited economic development of 36 country developments in terms of the acquisition cost and the achieved selling prices. The result is impressive: so could the average across all audited projects an annual cash return, obtained from 28,98% which corresponds to a rate of return (after Zinseszinsrechnung) of 15,43 percent. Corporate investment target is to achieve an appreciation of 20 per cent per annum upon disposal of land developments. The fact that the approved average track record shows a greater appreciation, is a testament to the opportunities of the business model. For Neil McCullagh, the Walton Europe GmbH Germany head, so best conditions, also to be able to achieve the returns presented in the prospectuses offered in Germany”. The funds of the Walton Europe GmbH, the issuers assume that the above result may be achieved after 4 to 7 years. This corresponds to a rate of return which is located under the now audited results, where additional gains of course say investors are attributed to the equity. Investors can therefore expect that with a decision for one Participation in the Fund offered by Walton Europe GmbH “draw” a safe and lucrative investment, says McCullagh.

Martin Langer

Director of bat-like. Peter Gridling represented like prevented FBM due to current events. Johanna Mikl-Leitner in the discussion and input thanked for the good and professional collaboration in the project. Amazing facts and figures were collected for the first time to conduct a study of economic and industrial espionage: 31% of all the companies surveyed in Austria were victims of economic and industrial espionage at least once, was particularly frightening was the fact that almost half of the incidents caused by former employees. In addition to the data from the study showed also that awareness among Austrian companies on the subject of uncontrolled outflow of Know-How is still too little.

That the protection of sensitive company information must be the basis of all of a company’s economic efforts, can be allocated on the basis of this project with facts and figures and thus Sensitization on the protection of Know-How in the title are created. Prevention is one of the most important methods to reduce the risk becoming a victim of economic and industrial espionage, to minimize a lot. Today’s Guide and related available on the platform of the expert training to raise awareness for the protection of Know-How in the company, should enable the managers and the employees an understandable way to prevention in the area of information security. University of applied sciences-Prof. DI Martin Langer, head of the Department of the Department of risk and safety management, illustrated with a history from the 18th century, where one was founded by industrial espionage on base until today important, Austrian manufacturer, that the topic is not an invention of today economic and industrial espionage, but this already very long a method is used to develop of their own businesses. What has however changed is the speed, how data and information can be approached. The attack points each company have been increased by a substantial part.