World Health Organization

Also proved that tobacco tar, introduced experimentally in animals receives an additional burden, which eventually leads to disease. When inhaled tobacco smoke constrict blood vessels and blood flow slows down on them, and in some cases even at a moment suspended. Slowing of blood flow in vessels of the heart manifested coronary artery disease, that is, an attack of pain in the heart. Therefore, smoking tends to increase or causes episodes of coronary insufficiency. Many patients, these attacks immediately disappear as soon as they stop smoking. World Health Organization, studying the role of tobacco, found that smokers die from coronary thrombosis at four years earlier than nonsmokers. People with vascular disease smoking causes them sharp spasm, resulting in any treatment will be futile if the patient continues to smoke.

For such patients, even stay in an atmosphere of tobacco smoke may be devastating. Experiments with these patients showed that delaying even an unlit cigarette led to a marked decrease in blood flow in the finger. Sometimes, these patients all the time there was complete cessation of smoking blood flow in the subungual bed. The temperature of fingers and toes was reduced to six degrees. It is interesting to note that the use of any filter in the cigarette is not prevented reduction of blood flow and reduce body temperature.

About the impact of tobacco on the heart speaks, for example, the following experiment: an isolated rabbit heart rhythm works because through the vessels that feed the heart, continually undergo a special saline solution approaching some signs of blood. But if you take a cigarette, flick it out the rest of the tobacco and cigarette paper to drop of this solution and with this drop bills introduced in the system supplying the heart saline, the heart stops. The dramatic impact of tobacco on the human heart to some extent mitigated by compensatory mechanisms that mobilize the body to fight the harmful agent. Nevertheless, it influence remains and gradually leads to premature senility, disability and early old age approximation. The impact of tobacco on the nervous system of the harmful effect of nicotine on the central nervous system can be judged by coming from cigarettes, pipes or cigarettes, and inhaled a person who smokes them. This concept has other names: 'the smoke environment', 'secondhand smoke', 'secondary smoking' and 'involuntary smoking'. For non-smokers passive smoking – a state where non-smokers forced to breathe tobacco smoke. 'Smokes one – many suffer. " Passive smoking does not spare anybody. In adults, secondhand smoke contributes to lung cancer. Dealing with secondhand smoke causes irritation of the eyes, nose, throat. In addition, there is irritation of the respiratory system, which manifests itself in coughing, sensation of chest discomfort and reduced lung function. Passive smoking can affect the cardiovascular system, passive smoking reduces the ability of blood to carry oxygen to the heart, which leads to a decrease in physical activity. If you smoke for a long time and get rid of This addiction to you is extremely difficult to pay attention to the ozone generator air and water 'Storm'. Take care of your loved ones!